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Ethics in Marriage and Family Therapy in Hawaii

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Marriage and family therapists are governed by the statutes of the states in which they practice. The laws, rules, and regulations governing mental health practice are determined by each state. Therapists are also guided by the ethical codes of the primary organizations representing the profession: The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) and the American Counseling Association (ACA). These statutes and codes help to protect both therapists and clients.

For this assignment, review the following documents:

1-The AAMFT Code of Ethics. This document represents the framework that guides professional relationships of marriage and family therapists.
2-The ACA Code of Ethics. This document represents the framework that guides mental health counselors and professional counselors.
3-The Association for Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) Web site, is another potential resource for your state's statutes and rules.
4-You may also find links to Hawaii state rules and statutes on their official State Board Web sites.

Write a short paper that addresses the following:

1.       -What is the process you need to follow to obtain licensure in the state of Hawaii to become a marriage and family therapist? Discuss the state's limits to confidentiality.

2.       -Discuss what the AAMFT Code of Ethics and ACA Code of Ethics state about confidentiality based on the licenses that you are obtaining.

3.       -How could you use the AAMFT Code of Ethics or the ACA Code of Ethics to advocate change for the profession of Marriage and Family Therapy or Licensed Professional Counselor depending on the licenses you are seeking?

4.       -Using the AAMFT Code of Ethics or ACA Code of Ethics evaluate how you see your value system and how it might conflict with what you are ethically bound to do as a counselor/therapist.

5.       -Compare the ethical codes of your professional organization with the state of Hawaii's statutes governing the practice of marriage and family therapist or licensed professional counselor and how is privileged communication defined?

6.       -How is a duty to warn or protect defined, and what are the limitations? How are ethical complaints handled in the state of Hawaii?

7.       -What is the scope of practice in the state of Hawaii for marriage and family therapist who wish to obtain a license you are seeking? That is, what are the limitations of practice for a registered intern or licensed marriage and family therapist in the state of Hawaii?

8.     --Identify ethical and culturally relevant strategies for establishing and maintaining in-person and technology-assisted relationships.


Include the following subtopics (they are derived from above and are in order of sequence.)


1.       Process of obtaining marriage and family therapist licensure in the state of Hawaii

2.       AAMFT and ACA Code of Ethics on confidentiality

3.       Advocating for change through AAMFT and ACA Code of Ethics

4.       Evaluating value system through AAMFT and ACA Code of Ethics

5.       Comparing the ethical codes in my organization and state of Hawaii's statutes

6.       Definition and limitation of duty to warn

7.       Scope of practice in the state of Hawaii for marriage and family therapist

8.       Ethical and culturally strategies for establishing relationships.



·         -Refer to the AAMFT Code of Ethics (or the ACA Code of Ethics) and the statutes governing the practice in the state of Hawaii.

·         -Reference list: Cite the codes and state statutes, along with any other resources you incorporate in your paper.


Ethics in Marriage and Family Therapy in Hawaii


Institutional Affiliation

Ethics in Marriage and Family Therapy in Hawaii

Marriage and family therapists are governed by the statutes of the states in which they practice. These statutes and codes help to protect both therapists and clients. Based on the moral principles of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) therapists are dedicated to the stipulated ethical and professional excellence (AAMFT, 2018). Also, therapists are guided by the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics and ethical codes of the primary organizations representing the profession. The areas of public participation, advocacy, and service are acknowledged as responsibilities of therapists that are essential to all other aspects of governing mental health practice.

The process of obtaining marriage and family therapist licensure in the state of Hawaii

To get the therapist licensure applicants must fulfill the experience requirements supported by two semesters of practicum work. The applicants must request their university to send their transcripts to marriage and family health state office (AAMFT, 2018). The applicants are expected to collect supporting documents to be enclosed in the application and pay the application fee. To verify the practice and supervision, the practicum work will need to be notarized by the supervisors in charge. After the submission of the application, the applicants will be expected to work on attaining licensure.

The state of Hawaii has limits to confidentiality. Marriage and family therapists are exempted from the client-counselor and client confidentiality if the therapist is convinced the client has committed testimonial perjury. Focusing on the fabrication of testimonies, the Association for Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) (2019) concluded that if a client commits perjury then right to confidentiality is lost. However, confidentially is maintained and can only be waived by the client if the practice of the marriage and family therapists is questionable. Incompetence results in the revocation of therapists professional licenses.

AAMFT and ACA Code of Ethics on confidentiality

AAMFT Code of the Ethics dictates that therapists have exclusive privacy concerns since a therapeutic relationship may involve more than the client. AAMFT (2018) affirms that therapists should guard and respect the confidences of individual clients. Therapists explain to clients before the commencement of the therapeutic practice the considerations of confidentiality, the right to access the records of counseling sessions and the probable limitations to the confidentiality rights. Besides, the law prohibits therapists from disclosing confidential information except by the authorization of the client.

ACA Code of Ethics affirms that counselors should acknowledge trust is the foundation of the counseling relationship (ACA, 2019). Maintenance of confidentiality, establishment of appropriate boundaries and creation of ongoing partnerships help counselors to earn the trust of clients. It is the responsibility of the counselors to explain the nature of the parameters of confidentiality to the clients. For example, clients should be informed of the limits of privacy, confidential information should be protected, the privacy of clients should be respected, and counselors should be aware of the cultural meaning of privacy.

Advocating for change through AAMFT Code of Ethics

            The AAMFT Code of ethics advocates for alteration in the profession of family and marriage therapy through improving the process of ethical decision making. Change...


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