Please respond to each prompt in at least 100 words. These are thought responses and will require no references, just your thoughts on the prompts.Prompt 1:Discrimination is an ethical violation that I have witness, not personally, but it happened to three of my previous co-workers that were in leadership. The executive director decided to fire three black administrators. He did not turn to the agency’s human resources or the attorney general for advice, instead he consulted withhis wife who is a lawyer to assist him with what to say during the “firing meeting”. The three administrators claimed the ED, who is white, fired them because they were black. All of this eventually led to a lawsuit for wrongful termination anddiscrimination, which they won. It was an ethical violation because the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws prohibiting discriminationagainst a job applicant or an employee during work situations including: hiring, firing, promotions, training, wages and benefits. Learning from this situation, I first would learn the EEOC laws to ensure this mistake is not repeated, because it ultimately caused the agency to lose A LOT of money – 1 million dollars to be exact! Next, I would educate myself and others in the agency about the company's workplace policies. And finally, attend training on EEO and be pro-active.Prompt 2:Something that I believe is a Ethical Violation is something that I experienced a lot as a manager at Panera Bread. There are a lot of things I could match to a Ethical Violation but one that I really hated from other managers involved sickness. It is sad to say that a lot of managers did not take sickness serious. There are strict roles on it and just as a person you know it sucks to work when you are sick. I was one of the only managers that no matter what if someone showed proof or seemed unwell I immediately sent them home no matter what. When I was a associate (before I was promoted to management) there were several times that I got the flu or something else serious that I was not able to go home, the manager didn’t believe me. There was actually a time that I got a serious infection that the doctor recommended I stay out of work for a minimum of 7 days as a MANAGER that I worked two full 9 hour shifts feeling like trash. Even my boss noticed that other managers weren’t believing me and he had to step in and tell the manager on duty that I am sick and need to go home. When I went home I happen to be off the next day and went to the doctor and she said I should not have been working I have a serious infection. To me that’s just ridiculous. I have never made someone work while they were sick and making someone work in food while they are sick is bad for the customers. I believe that it’s unethical for a manager to do that to the associate and to the customers.