ETHICAL TOPIC ANALYSIS (ETA) are designed to analyze the different philosophical topics presented in the course. Each of the ETA assignments should be submitted as a 3-page, double-spaced paper, not including the title and reference pages. Please keep paper submissions to no more than 5 pages. The paper needs at least one-inch margins and is to have a title and reference page (APA Style Manual). The ETA paper should include a minimum of three credible, unbiased sources such as the course textbook, academic journals, newspapers, magazines, etc. NO Wikipedia. The ETA papers should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, in a Times New Roman 12 font format. Each of the ETA papers listed below are an assignment. In other words, ETA 1 requirements are listed after number 1 and ETA 2 requirements are listed after number 2, etc. Each ETA assignment is worth 12 points. Students are required to write an in-depth essay (3-5 pages, excluding title and reference page) utilizing the SEE-I method of analysis (see Brightspace-Content-Course Resources-Additional Course Materials-SEE-I Handout pg. 1). Choose one of the following topics from the textbook (Chapter 8 Justice?, Chapter 9 Ethics of Character, Chapter 10 Ethics of Diversity-Gender or Chapter 11 Ethics of Diversity-Race, Ethnicity and Culture) listed below: Chapter 8 –Have you, your family, your neighborhood, your city, or anyone you have known ever been subject to injustice? Discuss the situation and tell how justice might have been better served. Chapter 9 – Who are your role models? Do they come from personal life or from the media? What characters and stories influenced your childhood? TV programs? Computer games? Novels? Movies? Which virtues do you consider your strongest and how did you achieve them? Chapter 10 –Have you ever experienced discrimination to your gender or sexual identification? Do you think that women deserve preferential treatment in the workplace or educational institutions? If so, what form should it take? Defend your answer. Chapter 11 -When did you or your ancestors migrate to America? Where did they come from and under what conditions? Do you think that immigrant minorities, especially yours, deserve special support in adjusting to life in America? What kind of support? Why or why not? What ethical theories support your view?Paper Format All papers are to be submitted in a Microsoft Word format (see Content - Web links - Free Microsoft Office for free Microsoft Word Download). Papers are to be double-spaced even between paragraphs with a minimum of 1-inch margins. Times New Roman font, size 12. Paragraphs are to be indented one tab. Papers should include a title page. Latest edition of APA format required (see Content - Web links - Purdue OWL APA Style Manual for in-text citations, quotations, paraphrases, reference page, etc.).