The context section will run between 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font type. This portion of my exegesis paper has two sections. The first section is my Introduction that serves as an overview of what I will write concluding with a thesis/purpose statement that alerts the reader as to what I plan to achieve in the writing of the paper. The thesis/purpose statement should be highlighted so that it can be easily located by underlining, bolding, or highlighting in yellow like this.The second section is the most important and should receive the bulk of your attention. Here you will explore the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of the passage selected. This process zooms out and then zooms in. You zoom out with the historical overview of the time frame in which the passage was written. You start to zoom in with a focus on cultural matters that were current in the society when the passage was written. Finally, zoom in directly on the literary setting paying attention to genre or type of literature, placement in the larger book, and any unique literary features that cause the passage to stand out (like repetition of a particular word, emphasis on a specific location, etc.). The Introduction, Historical, Cultural, and Literary sections will have a separate heading following Turabian style. Be sure the paper uses the School of Divinity Standardized Title Page and reflects a graduate level vocabulary.****I included a copy of the Standardized Title Page.I will definitely be requesting you as each section becomes due for this is a paper that he broke up into several small portions. I would prefer to keep the same individual that began the paper. I believe it would be less confusing and more efficient to do so.