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Enterobacter Aerogenes Research Paper


The research report must be on Enterobacter Aerogenes  Your research paper should include the following topics: (5 pts) General characteristics of the organism. Describe basic characteristics of your organism. For example, characteristics may include types of metabolism, classification, ecological roles, and results of biochemical tests and staining. (5 pts) Relation to human health. Discuss how your organism is pathogenic or beneficial to humans. (5 pts) Your choice. Every organism is unique! Provide some interesting facts or details you find fascinating about your organism. Some ideas are historical information, disease outbreaks, useful applications, or personal encounters with the organism. Have fun here! 2 pts: Three references from reliable sources, not including your textbook. References are referred to in the body of your writing. See below for more information about good references and how to cite them in a scientific paper. 2 pt: Writing mechanics – this includes good sentence structure, spelling, and organization of your ideas. 1 pt: appropriate formatting when using the scientific name of an organism. References: Your source of information can include reference books, journal articles, most internet resources, but not popular magazine articles or projects published by other students. You should have a minimum of three sources. Format of Biblography and Citations Sources must be listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper. Scientific writing does not typically use MLA or APA styles. Footnotes are not used in scientific writing. See below for examples of how sources should be formatted in your listed bibliography. In addition, when you use information in a sentence or paragraph, you must cite the source in the body of the paper, usually at the end of a sentence or paragraph.  Scientific sources typically use two formats for citations within the body of your writing (in-text). The first is the "Name-Year" or "Citation-Name" method, where sources are listed alphabetically in the bibliography according to the author's last name.  Within the paper, the author's last name is enclosed in parentheses at the end of a sentence, but before the period as (Lim and Tan, 2003).    The second style is the "Citation-Sequence" format, where sources are numbered and listed in the bibliography in the order in which information is used in the report. After the sentence with information from the source, the number of the citation is enclosed in parentheses before the period, like (1).  The first reference in the bibliography would correspond to (1). If you cite the same source multiple times in the paper, use the same number.   For more information and examples on citation formats, go to the Cabrillo College Library website at  http://cabrillo.libguides.com/content.php?pid=315584 or to http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/lls/students/cse_citation.html. Be cautious when using the Internet. The extension associated with the URL indicates the type of website you are accessing:  “.com” indicates a commercial website “.gov” indicates a government website “.edu” indicates an education institution, like a university or college “.org” indicates a not-for profit organization. These websites may belong to advocacy groups with a particular bias. Examples of web references: Whitman, D. B. Rev. 2000 April. Genetically modified foods: harmful or helpful? Genetically Modified Foods, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts http://www/csa.com/hottopics/gmfood/overview.html (with date you accessed the website) Webber, G. D. 1996 July 22 (last rev.) Regulation of genetically engineered organisms and products. Biotechnology Information Series, North Central Regional Extension, Iowa State University, http://www.nal.usda.gov/bic/Education_res/iastate.info/bio11.html (with date you accessed the website) Sullivan, S. 2000. Is Genetically Modified Food Safe? http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~sullivs2.gm.htm (with date you accessed the website) If a website has no specific author, list the reference by the website sponsor (ex. National Institutes of Health, or Mayo Clinic) The paper is to be written in your own words. Direct quotes are not used in science writing, so you must paraphrase. Do not copy writing directly from the source. This is plagiarism and the entire unknown report will be rejected if this is done. Instead, summarize the ideas in your own words and include the reference (see #3 for how to format references). The report must be typed with margins no greater than one inch, spacing no greater than double, and font size no greater than 12. Do not take up valuable space with the title of the report – all that is necessary at the top of the page is your name, the name of organism and the number of your unknown – nothing else. Also figures or pictures that you might include in your report do not count as part of the one page minimum.  It is expected that you will use a Spell-Checker and correct English grammar. You will upload all three parts of the project to Canvas. The best document format to use is PDF. Document formats that CANNOT be read in Canvas include Google Docs and Pages.
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