Read Kaufman's (2013) Employee Involvement at Delta Air Lines case study and other readings before you begin. Create a submission of the following length: 1500 to 2000 words maximum (excluding References). Read the following questions carefully. Answer ALL the questions, using the information in the case study, course reading materials, and supplemental research. What do you think of the view that union partnership is “best practice” for promoting employee voice involvement (e.g. Southwest Airlines), as opposed to Delta’s union avoidance strategy using employee councils and forums? Why has Delta Air Lines’ unusual employee voice and involvement program been relatively successful over the last four decades? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the firm’s commitment employee relations model? What are some challenges Delta is facing at the end of the case, in the Anderson era? Evaluate the effectiveness of Delta’s employee involvement program in the Anderson era. If you were put in charge of Delta’s employee relations today, would you embrace the decades-long commitment model? What changes would you make going forward, to ensure the “spirit of Delta” stays strong among employees? Unlike many large American organizations, Delta has consistently run NLRA-compliant non‐union, representational employee forums, and councils. What recommendations would you offer organizations considering introducing non-union employee involvement and participation initiatives?