Purpose To create a differentiated lesson plan or learning activity that incorporates elements and strategies introduced in the course reading and viewing materials and to critique the differentiated instructional plan of a classmate. Procedures Step 1: Review the instructional strategies and methodologies introduced in the reading and viewing materials for this lesson and the previous lesson. Step 2: Select a specific strategy, lesson plan, or procedure that interests you. Step 3: Create an original lesson, activity, or plan that you could use in your current position. If you are not currently teaching, develop an activity that you might use in a hypothetical situation. You may use any of the forms, templates, or plans found in the textbooks when creating your instructional plans. Additional tools that can be used for the projects include: Template: Extension menu Template: Tiered Lesson Plan Template: Tiered Questioning Using Bloom’s taxonomy Strategy: Name Card Method Strategy: Most Difficult First Other lesson plans • Instructional Plans should include the following: • Lesson introduction - The basic purpose of the lesson • Differentiation strategy(ies) selected • 5 Elements of Differentiation - How the elements were addressed • Conclusion - Specific information on how the lesson is differentiated for gifted students, why the strategy was selected, and how the strategy is presented in the lesson.