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Electronic Data Security Breach

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Electronic Data Security Breach


Electronic Data Security Breach

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Electronic Data Security Breach

Peer Response One

A security breach is a real threat to many businesses today. According to an article on "Are healthcare data breaches getting worse," it is evident that most organizations in the contemporary corporate world are striving to secure data, but hackers and other malicious online users are always a step ahead. I concur with your point of view that some organizations are working tirelessly to boost the security of their data, but their systems remain profoundly weak, which create loopholes for the data breach. I feel that your perspective is very accurate, considering that there have been various incidences of data breach in both small and large organizations. According to Goreva, Mishra, Draus, Bromall, and Caputo (2016) indicated that poor data security regulation in many nations has left an open ground for hackers to fructify their operation without much fear of legal consequences. Additionally, I agree with your argument that there are different information systems, and each is prone to attacks on different levels. However, to add to your contribution, I believe the idea of data encryption would have enforced the discussion. Actually, encryption is being relied upon by many institutions in health care and the banking sector to secure online funds transfer and safeguard customers' data.




Are healthcare data breaches getting worse? 2018 in review. (2018). Briefings on HIPAA, 18(12), 7-9. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.libproxy.usi.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=16&sid=095122ea-d533-44f6-8af3-be9ebae4516f%40pdc-v-sessmgr01

Goreva, N., Mishra, S., Draus, P., Bromall, G. & Caputo, D. (2016) A study of the security of electronic medical records utilizing six knowledge categories and subject demographics. International Journal of Management of Information Systems, 20(3).





Peer Response Two

I appreciate your elaborate discussion on the matter of data security, mostly in the health care sector. In the contemporary world, the...


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