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Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employees and Teams During Organizational Change

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Using examples drawn from contemporary organisations, critically discuss the effects of transformational leadership on employees and teams during organisational change. Discuss and justify how transformational leaders influence employee motivation.


Ø Introduction


1.      Discuss the importance of leading and motivating employees and teams during periods of organisational change

2.      Provide a definition of transformational leadership.

3.      Discuss why employee engagement, teamwork and motivation are critical to the success of any change process

4.      Discuss how transformational leadership can have a positive effect on employee and team behaviour, motivation and attitudes during a change process

5.      Interpret the question and outline what the rest of your discussion encompasses.


Ø Main Body

A.    Discussion of effects of transformational leadership on employees and teams during organizational change

Present a critical discussion of your selected topic and integrate and discuss examples from relevant organisations to inform your analysis (This includes examples as well as theories).


Organisational examples might discuss within the main body:

① Apple: Transformation leadership to support change (innovation) and encourage team engagement and motivation

② Walmart: Relational and change-orientated behaviours

③ Tesla: learning from what does not work when leading change: High injury rates

④ Liverpool FC: Jurgen Klopp and relational orientated leadership behaviour

⑤ Santander: Balance between constancy and change in a fast moving world. The importance of the voice of the employee. The importance of team working to enable creativity. Fostering a culture of freedom of thought.



Leadership theories writer could discuss and integrate

  1. The positive and/or negative effects of a leader’s use of power and influence during a change process
  2. Content motivation theory (e.g Maslow; McClelland; Hertzberg); process motivation theory (e.g. Adams equity theory; Vroom’s expectancy theory)
  3. How a leader enhances team effectiveness during a change process (Hackman, 2002) and the team leader’s role (Lussier, & Achua, 2016)
  4. Leader actions that foster team working during change (Dubrin, 2016)
  5. See article by Gilley et al., (2009). Gilley, A., Godek, J.W., Gilley, J.W. (2009). Characteristics of leadership effectiveness: Implementing change and driving innovation in organisations. Human Resource Development, 9 (2), 153-169.


B.     Literature Comparison

Compare and contrast what different scholars have found, relevant to selected topic and support analysis using citations mainly from the academic literature.


Include relevant exhibits e.g. tables, figures, diagrams drawn from the literature where these add value to the discussion.


Ø Conclusion




Ø  References list (at least 15 references) half of those resources needed be used.


Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Field, H.S., and Mossholder, K.W. (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 34, 942-958.

Deschamps C, Rinfret N, Lagacé MC, Privé C. (2016). Transformational Leadership and Change: How Leaders Influence Their Followers' Motivation Through Organizational Justice. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61, 194-213.

Faupel, S. and Süß, S. (2019). The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees During Organizational Change – An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Change Management, 19 3, 145-166.


Gilley, A., Dixon, P., and Gilley, J.W. (2008). Characteristics of leadership effectiveness: Implementing change and driving innovation in organizations. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 19 (2), pp. 153-169.

Madanchian, M, Hussein, N, Noordin, F, and Taherdoost, H. (2018). The impact of ethical leadership on leadership effectiveness among SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia Manufacturing, 22, 968–974

Zeb, A. Ahmad, S., and Saeed, G. (2018). Leadership effectiveness and Organizational performance: Exploring gaps in the existing literature. Business & Economic Review, 10 1, 95-106.



Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employees and Teams During Organizational Change

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Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employees and Teams During Organizational Change


Transformational leadership is a theoretical framework that describes how leaders work with teams to pinpoint necessary, desirable change, establishing ways of directing the organizational alteration, and implementing it with committed members of a group. During the change process, transformational leadership positively influences employee and team mannerism since it enhances job performance, morale and motivation of believers through different approaches; these entails highlighting strengths and weaknesses of workforces, inspiring workers to assume responsibility of their service delivery and linking work teams to the collective identity of a business. Drive, teamwork, and employee engagement are essential to the success of a corporation, following a change process as they inspire and augment the interest of workers in a project, improving their productivity. Transformational leadership brings various qualities to a work entity, for example, team engagement, collaboration, change management, strategic planning and self-awareness that lets it enhance organizational change; however, clarity in definition, control of authority, and ease of learning are among the elements that attract contrasting opinions from scholars regarding its effectiveness.

                     Effects of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Change                    

a)      Team Engagement

By expressing their standards, transformational leaders support organizational change through ensuring that workers depict a positive attitude towards corporate modification cognitively, mentally, and physically. According to Thisera and Sewwandi (2018), such workforces have a greater desire to invest themselves fully in their tasks, accepting and implementing organizational change. As shown in Figure 1, the Employee Engagement Theory dictates that transformation leadership qualities such as increased efforts, ethical behavior, non-defensive communication, authenticity, and mindfulness motivate workers to commit to another person's work (Carasco-Saul, Kim, & Kim, 2015). Therefore, transformational leaders ensure that a business has employees with better insight into the need and importance of organizational change, resulting from their increased engagement towards it. Transformational learning does not only impact organizational change through employee engagement but also by uniting them.

Figure 1: Employee Engagement Theory

Source: (Carasco-Saul, Kim, & Kim, 2015).

            Transformational leadership influences organizational change since it unites and alters the objectives of followers. According to Zeb, Ahmad, and Saeed (2018), this form of management leads to the attainment of higher levels of performance during and after periods of organizational change. Through qualities such as intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence, transformational leaders behave in a manner that inspires those around them through challenging followers to embrace change (Faupel, & Süß, 2019). As an illustration, by relaying his standards, transformation leaders such as Jürgen Klopp of Liverpool FC, became a role model to his backroom staff and players, enhancing the implementation of organizational alterations in training regimes. Through transformational leaders acting as mentors to their followers, they impact their ideals and appreciation of operational modification.

b)     Collaboration 

Transformational leaders enhance organizational change through developing collaboration between work teams and management personnel. According to the Human Relations Theory, partnerships eliminate mechanical or centralized levels of leadership, which...


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