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Effects of The Coronavirus Epidemic on The Global Economy; The Unequal Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic

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·  APA Style

·  Your Draft proper, which includes your cover page (follow our Guidelines), the main body of your Draft, your list of References, and the Appendices (if you have any).

·  Your Progress Report (PR2), which must include my feedback to your Proposal (copy and paste it). In your PR2, you MUST also briefly address my previous feedback, otherwise your PR is not complete.

Before submitting your documents, go over the ‘Guidelines for your Draft’ and make sure your documents follow instructions and fulfill requirements. Check, especially, that your Draft proper contains, at least, these elements:

1.    Tentative title.

2.    Key Words

3.    Introduction.

In this deliverable, you are submitting the first (or Draft) version of your Introduction. You will work more on it for your Final Version, once the main body of your paper is complete. As of now, it is enough you use the elements in your Proposal, but now make each component a paragraph (so no numbering and no titles). Include a paragraph (approximately) on each of the following:


1.    Purpose of your research and type of paper.

2.    Motivation (this is addressed to your audience).

3.    What you think your original contribution will be (one or two sentences).

4.    Methodology.

4.    Background Review (if you decide your subject requires one); use what you had in your Proposal and expand on it (now you know more about your subject!).

5.    Literature Review.

Your main aim in your Draft is to finish this section. It may be the section that takes the longest to write! You can, of course, always come back to it and modify it, but you want to be pretty much done with it by Week 9. Then move on to other sections of your paper. Even if your paper is a Literature Survey, you want to have gathered your main sources by Week 9 so that, from there on, you can work on your own ‘fruit smoothie.’


Effects of The Coronavirus Epidemic on The Global Economy: The Unequal Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation


Professor’s Name


Background of Research

The first Covid-19 case was reported as an unknown case of pneumonia. COVID-19 has since spread to almost the entire world, with some countries being more affected than others. COVID-19 is caused by an infection SARS-CoV-2 virus strain. COVID-19 is tested by collecting samples of fluids from the nose or mouth. The test can be done by nucleic acid amplification or antigen tests. COVID-19 can be prevented from spreading by practising and maintaining hand hygiene, maintaining a physical distance from one another by at least 1.5 meters apart, uses of face masks by medical practitioners, caregivers, and the general public, avoiding body contact with an infected person where the caregivers can use certified gloves when handling a suspected or confirmed covid-19 patients. Close contacts can be employed to track contacts of an infected person within the shortest time possible; fabric masks can also be used by the public while in a public gathering and avoiding overcrowded meetings.


The pandemic has impacted many sectors of the world. The health sector and the education sector have not been spared; given that social distance maintenance was essential to fight the spread of the virus. Covid-19 has impacted negatively on the education sector in several ways. The tourist sector has been adversely affected by the pandemic, given the restriction of movement by many countries. Countries have resorted to restricting access to their borders as a way of containing the spread of the disease, and this has hit the tourism economies hard. The transfer of human capital has been another threat as a result of the contained movement. The movement of goods has not been affected by the pandemic, but the cut of the essential service providers has made the economy recessed. Unemployment has also been on the rise because many of the companies have closed down to maintain social and physical distance. This paper seeks to discuss these impacts posed by the covid-19 on the Global economy.

Literature Review

The pandemic has impacted many sectors of the world. The health sector and the education sector have not been spared; given that social distance maintenance was essential to fight the spread of the virus. Covid-19 has impacted negatively on the education sector in several ways. The tourist sector has been adversely affected by the pandemic, given the restriction of movement by many countries. Countries have resorted to restricting access to their borders as a way of containing the spread of the disease, and this has hit the tourism economies hard. The transfer of human capital has been another threat as a result of the contained movement. The movement of goods has not been affected by the pandemic, but the cut of the essential service providers has made the economy recessed. Unemployment has also been on the rise because many of the companies have closed down to maintain social and physical distance. This paper seeks to discuss these impacts posed by the covid-19 on the Global economy.

The global economy has been disoriented by the covid-9 because there have been many changes in the demand and supply. The consumers of goods and services have shifted their purchasing patterns to exclude the...


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