The purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to show how pollution affects the environment. You will be able to show this by looking at different types of pollution and getting an understanding as to how and what they do and how they can affect the environment. You will be able to effectively discuss the long term and short-term effects. In this assignment, consider the effect of pollution on living and nonliving things. Pollution will cause different results in these two groups, and it is important to understand those differences. Read: Abiotic disturbances Harm to Biotic Factors View videos: What are the Causes and Types of Pollution? 5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10 Write a 1-2 page response to the following: Describe or define a known pollutant or hazard Explain the effects on living things. Explain the effects on non-living things. Describe possible solutions to help solve the challenges of pollutant or hazard on living and nonliving organisms.