Toward the end of Ain’t No Makin’ It, MacLeod used the phrase “pushed into jumping” when referring to the choices that the Hallway Hangers made. Considering the topics and materials (e.g., financial limitations, segregation, suspensions, drop-outs, subtractive schooling, silencing and school climate, gender/class/race) do you agree or disagree with this phrase? Provide at least two specific reasons (concepts, theories, etc.) for why you argue this way. If a student is failing at any point in the process, what steps could/should educators and others take to ensure the student stays in school and why? In writing your essay, please cite and incorporate at least 4 readings Essays do not need to have a title page or abstract, but essays DO need to have your name, paper title, and date. Essays must be between 1,000 and 2,000 words and must follow American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for formatting, in-text citations, and references (on a separate reference page) (Links to an external site.).