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Ecuador environmental assessment

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Ecuador environmental assessment


Ecuador environmental assessment


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Ecuador environmental assessment

Ruiz, L. (2016). Strategic Environmental Assessment of Towns in Ecuador with Tourism Potential. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 4, 83-88. Retrieved from https://file.scirp.org/pdf/JBCPR_2016032214293666.pdf

In the journal, Strategic Environmental Assessment of Towns in Ecuador with Tourism Potential, by Lourdes Ruiz she applies the methodology of environmental impact assessment (EIA) to determine how strategies for development and projection of tourism infrastructure impact the environment. The author affirms that the application EIA provides an insight into the determination, prediction, and interpretation of the negative impacts caused by the actions concerning the development of tourism activities. Consequently, her insight into the local Ecuadorian context is imperative as she argues that the historical towns frequented by tourists lead to undesirable effects to the environment.

In the process, the author is forthcoming about her research methodology. She uses the RIAM software; after establishing a model study of the environment targeting various Ecuadorian towns. The author uses the RIAM software to analyze the social, political and economic contexts on tourism activities different from those in the system of other research works. This research is essential because it assesses the effects of ecological degradation of the ecosystems and biodiversity and on the physicochemical nature across historical towns with tourism. Thus, she affirms that EIA allows a researcher to focus on the causes and effects of tourism-related activities and projects that have led to the loss of biodiversity in Ecuador.

Lourdes Ruiz’s main argument is that the development and projection of tourism infrastructure possess negative impacts to the general environment. To support her research, Ruiz analyzes the environmental impact based on baseline studies that comprise of the following components economic-operational, sociocultural environment, bio-ecological and psychochemical. For the author despite tourism having positive economic impacts the industry has adverse biological and ecological effects on the environment. Hence, the author summarizes and reflects on the impact of tourism on the environment.

Mestanza R. C., & Mooser, A. (2018). Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, Ecuador. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 7(5), 312-317. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1247018.

The journal article, Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, Ecuador by Mestanza Ramon and Mooser Alexis...


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