1. Early childhood education outside the home is largely a nineteenth
century invention. What factors contributed to the development of
schools and curriculum for young children during this important period (describe some of the movements, philosophies, and individuals
responsible for this development). 2. Early Childhood programs in the 19th Century were based largely on
religious and or spiritual beliefs (e.g., the divine nature of
children; their purity and innocence). In the early 20th century,
programs for young children were based more on secular and scientific
beliefs. Why did the field move in this direction and what were the ideas and disciplines that contributed to this secular and
scientific basis to early childhood education? 3. Since the beginning of our profession in the 19th century, different groups have been arguing over who is responsible for raising, educating and nurturing young children. Some favor individual responsibility (the family), others private or religious philanthropy, and still others government programs. Using the different programs and movements we have studied in this class, argue for the approach (or mix of approaches) that you most agree with.