The report published by PEW Research center in 2013 on "The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society." gives you an insight into the diversity of Islam as it is practiced around world today. Your task for this week is to write a response in 250 words: Describe any three aspects of the diversity of Muslims in the world today? (you must draw from and engage with the reading PEW Center report. 2013. The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society (complete report) All submissions (discussion posts/assignments) will be in 12-point font and within the word limit described in the assignment. Organize them for coherency, flow, and fullness. All posts/assignments must be spellchecked and checked for grammar before submission. Responses should be an engagement with readings from the text, journal articles, films, or other scholarly source (use library e-journals). When you quote or draw your ideas from another person's work, you must cite that source. For citations use in-text parenthetic notes, footnotes, or endnotes.