The critical thinking topic for this memorandum is: Disseminating Research Findings SCENARIO: On-the-Go Software, a start-up company in your community, would like to develop a new mobile phone app that will be profitable. As part of the company’s preliminary planning, the CEO, Etta Hawkins, has hired you to research the most popular apps for the iPhone and other mobile devices and to analyze why you believe these apps are successful. As you research, identify who is buying these apps and hypothesize why. Also identify features that have received positive comments and hypothesize why these features are important. Write a memorandum (2 pgs. double spaced, 12 font) that presents the results of your research. In addition, include a list of references as an attachment. Your grade will reflect how well you describe your research findings, structure the content of your argument, and format the memo. Your sentences should be clear, concise, and concrete. The header of the memo should include the following: TO: Etta Hawkins, CEO FROM: Your Name DATE: 06/26/2020 RE: Popular Apps for Mobile Devices