Paper 2 (28.5%) Cite 2+ outside academic sourcesCite 2 + sources from the course (Kortti, Standage, any PDF reading), for 4 sources Total Required. (Kortti, MH, The Birth of New Media, p. 27-41Kortti, MH, Computers and the Internet p. 84-94 Standage, WW, Ch. 11 The Rebirth of Social Media) try the e-version.Avoid Google. Use academic articles.Writing Tips:- format is required for sourcing. It is your choice.- Quotes and paraphrasing need page numbers APA: (Smith, 2000, p. 235). Quotes are best. Avoid footnotes in any form, or the Chicago style of citation.-State your Thesis at the end of Paragraph 1 -- what will you claim?-If you analyze a scene or media item not widely known, you MAY include a copy of small image as an Appendix at the end of your Paper, after your Works Cited.-"Quote" if you can. Paraphrase secondarily. Introduce/integrate quotes. As Smith suggests, “Ads are a system...” that can “educate us...” (Smith, 2005, p. 5)--Quotes cannot stand alone.--Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and address that topic. The topic sentence tells readers what the topic is. For example: “Historically, the radio united families indoors...” OR you can use a question “How did North America move from a Print society to a Visual society?...”--Use transitions between paragraphs. “But Farnsworth was not only the creator of TV, he also…”--Block quotes (more than 3 full lines) should NOT be used, or only in rare cases when you cannot summarize the gist, and almost never in short papers.TOPIC:DIGITAL MEDIA.Select 1 Historical or Current Example of Social Media being blamed for a social problem (ex: the cyber bullying of Amanda Todd), and 1 Example of Social Media being credited with improving life (ex: social movements). (See Chapter 2). Many people who examine ‘social media’ (such as Facebook and Twitter) say that these tools distract us from the important things in life. Similar things were said about television, and telephones, and the radio, and even of writing. Any communication technology can be used in a variety of ways, depending on who has access to them, and how creative they are.
In your Compare and Contrast Essay, discuss one case or way in which social media get blamed for negative events or outcomes (loneliness, competitiveness, bullying, boasting, narcissism). Compare this side with the positive things people accomplish with social media (MeToo, BLM, organizing events, socializing, reading the day’s news). Give specific examples and support your claims with research. You may also mention your own experiences, if relevant. For the negative side, a case study may be wise: the Grossman cyber bullying case, for example, or the BC politician who lost an election due to an old Facebook photo. Or you could identify a common criticism of social media and explore it. For example: Are social media affecting news and political views based on this news today negatively? Examples from the textbook can be included. For the positive side, ask how social media might be changing Social Movements, International development, poverty reduction, or argue that these sites are simply helping people connect with friends and family in good ways. You may use any examples from around the world, both recent and historical.