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Digital Marketing Assignment: Simply Waffles

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Digital Marketing Assignment #1

Simply Waffles General guidelines:

-          Harvard referencing style

-          Technical report

-          No definitions and straight to the point.

-          Follow the scenario

-          Business name: Simply Waffles

0-  Intro: 70 words max

In this INTRODUCTION you should provide a very short background discussion on the basics of what your report is about. You should write this section AFTER having completed the Report.

1-  Digital Branding - Digital Marketing Strategy

Scenario: Simply Waffles, a new coffee shop in Oslo, will be launching soon. They have no brand strategy in place and do not think it is necessary to focus on branding.


1.1-  What is digital branding? 50 words

1.2-  Explain why branding should form part of Simply Waffles Digitak Marketing strategy.

250 words

2-  Brand touchpoints

Scenario: In this task, assume the cafe was launched.

Task: 300 words

2.1  What would the top five brand touchpoints be for Simply Waffles? Motivate your answer for each touchpoint identified. 

3-  Content Strategy 300 words

Tasks: Notes: see attached examples

3.1  Develop a content strategy for Simply Waffles. 

3.2  How will your content strategy guide the target audience through the following stages of the marketing funnel: awareness, interest, consideration, evaluation, conversion, and loyalty?

Conclusion – 70 words max

Write your conclusion to be a short, strong and descriptive paragraph. It should answer the “So What” question - what does your report actually say? What does it mean to other readers?  



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Digital Marketing Assignment; Simply Waffles

1.0  Introduction

Simply Waffles, a start-up coffee shop in Oslo, is approaching its launch; however, the organization has not implemented a digital branding model since its management teams dismiss its importance. For this reason, this technical report will define digital branding, identify its touch-points, and develop its content strategy, acknowledging how as a brand management technique, it can help Simply Waffles to connect its products and its target audience.

 1.1 Digital Branding

Digital branding is a product and service promotion approach that combines both digital marketing and internet branding. Media content, device-based applications, and internet-orientedd relationships are among the most effective digital avenues that enterprises use in developing a brand (Lipiäinen & Karjaluoto, 2015). Digital branding complements direct marketing, therefore, gaining significant attention from marketers and organizations.

1.2 Importance of Branding

            Branding will foster customer loyalty since when clients see Simply Waffles adverts and other promotional campaigns on digital platforms, they will remember their association with its products or services. When a target audience has a good experience with a brand, they often come for a repeat buy, underlining how promotional techniques influence end-users purchase decisions (Quinton, 2013). Marketing products on digital venues will establish a strong brand identity for Simply Waffles, increasing consumers’ interest in the business. Strengthening customer loyalty is not the only benefit of digital branding but also creating a competitive advantage.

Establishing a competitive advantage is another value of digital branding since, through advertisement campaigns, Simply Waffles will nurture a specific identity of its products or services. Corporations face significant rivalry from close competitors, creating a need for them to identify alternative promotional management techniques (Lipiäinen & Karjaluoto, 2015). Therefore, adopting digital branding will allow Simply Waffles to use online venues to build a distinct market identity through emphasizing differentiation factors and unique selling propositions. Besides digital branding establishng a competitive advantage, it also introduces new products to a target audience.

Amongst the importance of branding at Simply Waffles is the capacity to introduce and promote innovative products or services in a market to satisfy requirements of its anticipated end-users. Using correct branding techniques not only builds consumer loyalty but also establishes a strong legacy regarding the superiority of offerings and excellence of customer service (Quinton, 2013). Promotional management techniques will strengthen consumer loyalty at Simply Waffles and attract the interest of consumers in the acquisition of a newly announced line of products or services.  Branding is a useful technique in the introduction of products and services.



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