Select an organization of your choice. The organization can be a for-profit or a not-for-profit organization in Canada or any part of the world. Identify an organizational or business need that you feel can be served by a digital communication campaign. Part 1 Conduct an audit of the digital communication media and vehicles that your chosen organization currently uses. Pinpoint gaps and excesses. Gaps are the digital communication media or vehicles the organization should be using but are not. Excesses are the digital communication media or vehicles the organization currently uses but that you find redundant or ineffective. Based on this audit, please state what you would recommend for a more efficient digital media presence. Your recommendations would also take into consideration the resources available to the organization. E.g. not-for-profits usually work with small budgets and fewer employees. Part 2 Determine and segment your target audiences. Create personas for each target audience segment. These personas would include details of a typical member of different audience segments including age, gender identity expression, income, lifestyle, values. You can use demographics and psychographics to draw up the personas. You are welcome to add any other information you deem fit to offer a more complete understanding of each target audience segment. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Please compose this as a document you would present to your chosen organization’s CEO. As such, the language and approach would be professional. This is to be a workplace document not a submission to an academic journal. You would of course apply the academic learning you have gleaned to the conceptualization of the document. But your intended audience is the organization’s busy chief executive. Consider using footnotes for references on each page instead of in-sentence citations. Alternately, you can use endnotes for all references. Use APA citation standards for your footnotes or endnotes. You must cite any outside research or articles you bring into your document. Double-space the document with margins of at least one inch on all sides. For body copy, please use 12-point size and a serif font like Garamond, Century Schoolbook, Book Antiqua, etc. Appendices do not count toward the page limit. However, please be judicious about the volume of the appendices.