Development of Nuclear Power in France 1. Introduction 2. History and Development of Nuclear Energy 3. Location of Nuclear Power Plants 4. Environmental Impact of Nuclear Power Plants GUIDE TO RESEARCH PAPER for HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 002M The research assignment in Human Geography included subjects from world industry and problems of the world economy. The guidelines include, but are not limited to the purpose of the paper to be written; the student must show the ability of doing independent research; only relevant material must be included; the statements made must be accurate, as well as the presentation of data and analysis; the information must be presented in a logical order; the work needs to be coherent and complete; the references must be complete and accurate. Papers should follow the traditional arrangement of introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction will announce your topic and the point you are trying to make. The body of the paper will present your data and evidence for that point and elaborate the argument; it may be divided into separate sections. The conclusion will sum up the paper and once again remind the reader of the point you have made. A final consideration is the use of references. Where have you found all of the information you’ve used in writing your paper. References (or citations) are all of those sources that are mentioned somewhere in your paper. A bibliography, on the other hand, is a list of all sources consulted, even though you may not mention them in the text of your paper. Maps and illustrations are often useful in making a point in a paper, as are things like tables and graphs if you have a lot of statistical data. The use of these will depend on the topic of your paper. Be sure to give the source of any maps, tables, or graphs that you use. Students in Human Geography often approach their writing assignment through five questions formula: What? Where? When? Why? and How? The project should be 6-8 pages. References need to contain a minimum of two books about your topic. The project should contain at least one map. Students need to send their paper via CANVAS in the Assignment section. The content of the paper is checked by Turnitin for plagiarism review. Plagiarism is a serious problem that is not very well understood by some students. Simply stated, plagiarism is the act of passing someone else's work off as your own or using someone's research without proper citation. Some of the Guidelines in writing the paper are: • Think about the purpose and the context of the paper; • State clearly what you plan to achieve; • Include only important material; • Make sure you are accurate in all your statements and in the analysis and presentation of statistical data; • Present your information in a logical order; • Make sure that your paper is complete; • Count on producing at least one or two drafts before producing the final copy. • Make needed correction before submitting the paper. A well-written paper should draw from accepted academic sources. What are academic sources? Primarily, these are books written by academics as well as professional journal articles and websites. Geography, for example, has dozens of academic journals where geographers publish their research (National Geographic; Professional Geographer; Annals of the AAG; Journal of Transport Geography, The Economist, etc.). The paper should contain at least one map about the course topic.