Taking into account all that you have learned in this course, how broadly can family be defined and how does that differ from your own personal definition of family? How does the diversity of family forms, goals, cultures, and types, as discussed in this course, relate to your concept of family? To answer this, you should consider how different cultures and communities in this country, and across the world, define family and the roles and expectations of family members. How are these diverse definitions, roles, and expectations different and/or similar across the world and in different cultures and communities? Finally say how you would interact with people who are in a family structure that challenges your own understanding of family, roles, and expectations? Formatting Requirements: Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title on the cover page. Your response begins on page 2. Use one-inch margins. Use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Use double line spacing in the document. Use APA Citation Style: (opens in a new window). Grading Criteria: This paper should be an original response to above mentioned prompt. You will be graded out of one hundred (100) weighted points on the following measures: word count, organization, mechanics, introduction contents, body contents, and conclusion contents.