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Decision Making Discussion


ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION. This is an individual assignment. It is designed to improve your ability to apply your knowledge of consumer behavior to a real-world situation. SCOPE OF THE ASSIGNMENT. Consider your studies on RIT Croatia and think back of the time when you made a decision to choose RIT as your college, over its competitors. Specifically answer the following questions:  1. What category(ies) of the decision making (cognitive, habitual, affective) were involved when you were making a decision? Explain and discuss! 2. Consider antecedents to your involvement. What personal, stimulus and situational factors were involved? 3. Rate your involvement. Use a recommended measurement scale. 4. What types of involvement did you experience? What perceived risks did influence your decision making? 5. Discuss your cognitive decision making. Stress your information search, evaluating criteria, possible determinant attributes and your post-purchase evaluation. 6. What biases or mental shortcuts did you experience? 7. Were any emotions involved when you were making a decision? 8. Rate and discuss your customer satisfaction (cognitive and affective component). 9. Rate and discuss your customer loyalty (cognitive, affective and conative component). 10. Discuss the value that you perceive as an experienced RIT student and compare it with your satisfaction and loyalty. EXPECTED DELIVERABLES AND FORMAT This assignment has to be written as a word document (not a pdf). Structure your paper as per the “Scope of the Assignment” section. A paper must have a title and a student’s name on the cover page. List of references and in-text citations are mandatory. The text should be double spaced, 12 pt font, 2,5 cm margins. The length of your paper should be between 500 and 800 words, not including cover page, references, and possible appendices. Charts, graphs, and tables (if applicable) should be placed in the Appendix. ASSIGNMENT GRADING ELEMENTS This assignment will be graded on relevance and thoughtfulness of your discussion. To make sure that your discussion is relevant and correct and that you did not omit important concepts related to your decision-making process, use the textbooks to support your methodology.  Use Turnitin to check originality of your paper before submitting the final version to MyCourses. For incorrect referencing, citing, spelling and grammar, bad syntax and language, or structure of the paper, a total of 1 point cumulatively can be deducted from your assignment grade. You can earn a maximum of 10 points for this assignment and its contribution to your final grade is 10 %. RECOMMENDED LITERATURE Chapter 2 of the Solomon (2015) and equivalent Chapter 14 of the Sheth et al. (1999) and equivalent Seminar 1 paper of the Consumer Behavior class 2020.
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