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Cyber Warfare

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Watch the videos on Stuxnet, and the Lateline documentary then read the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) paper on the Cyber Security Landscape and finally the AFR discussion of Australia’s development of cyber offensive capabilities.

Please answer the following questions:

Do you think that a physical military response is justified in response to a cyber attack?

Are lethal cyber weapons, such as turning off the water supply or electricity, which can fatally affect civilian populations, a legitimate strategy during wartime?

The DSTO identifies increasing digitization, increasing complexity, increasing outsourcing, lagging security posture, and increasing interconnectedness as vulnerabilities in Australia’s ICT infrastructure. Suggest strategies that the government can use to address these vulnerabilities.



Cyber Warfare

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Cyber Warfare


Cyber-attacks entail the aggressive practices that compromise processor grids, protocol systems, online structures, and information schemes. Over the years, the number of these occurrences has increased two-fold, resulting in the enhancement of the Australian protective ICT infrastructure capabilities. The upsurge in cyber warfare leads to an examination of the justification of military response to cyber-attacks, the legitimacy of cyber weapons, and how the Australian government can address the susceptibility of its information systems to hacking.

Justification of Military Response to Cyber-attacks

            It is justified for the Australian military personnel to react appropriately to cyber-attacks that threaten national security from foreign agents. For example, if cybercriminals illegally acquire information on government and defense contracts, then the government is vindicated to enlist the service of military personnel. Hackers focus on crippling essential national systems, causing destruction of property and hampering the delivery of services to the people. KWH369 Documentaries (2018) recognizes that cyber warfare leads to ramifications that compare to the effects of kinetic assaults; as a result, government authorities should acknowledge it as armed attacks. In line with the UN Charter, Australia can defend itself against aggressive practices in cyberspace through various provisions that include the use of military action. In most cases, cyber-attacks originate from foreign sources, forcing the authorities to deploy military services to protect from external threats.

The Legitimacy of Cyber Weapons During War

            The ethical utilization of cyber weapons questions the use strategies such as turning off the water supply or electricity since they affect civilian populations. The acceptable cyberspace weaponry includes employing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as they have minimal effects on the lives of non-combatants. In the Australian Financial Review, Abernethy (2018) reveals that moral codes require military personnel to use artillery systems that preserve the quality of life of civilians. As a consequence, warfare tactics that entail crippling the national power grid contravenes the ethical obligations of war under the principles of jus ad bellum and jus in bello. It is wrong for military commanders to use cyberspace tactics that can jeopardize the lives of civilian populations given that other...


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