Cultural Movie PowerPoint Presentation Film is an important way we can learn about other cultures. What counts as entertainment varies greatly by culture. For this assignment, you will watch a intercultural or international/foreign film and will provide a PowerPoint presentation which connects the film with concepts in the course. Perhaps the film showed an example of a intercultural communication concept that helped you understand the characters in the movie. This paper will highlight at least three connections. Visit the local library, or video streaming service and select a cultural-based movies. Movie recommendations can be found in under the Syllabus tab on the Home Page. Create a presentation in PowerPoint summarizing the key intercultural themes and key terms from textbook readings, specifically Chapter 7. The presentation should include between 10-12 slides and a reference slide using APA formatting. Your presentation should include all the various aspects that you learned about intercultural communication while viewing this film . Please include the following in your slide information: Introduction & Explain your the cultures represented in the movie (2-3 slides) Describe the main characters and the (2 slide) Describe what you learned about intercultural communication (2 -3 slides) How can you leverage what you learned from watching this movie to enhance your intercultural communication skills at school, work, or personally. (2-3 slides) Conclusion (1-2 slides) References (1 slide)