Write 7 pages thesis on the topic cultural observation. The study includes a live observation on two Turkish regions followed by an explanation as to what the observations hint regarding cultural diversity.The Prince Islands are located in the Marmara Sea in Turkey and consist of 5 islands varying in size. Most people from Istanbul have two houses. one on the mainland and the other is a summer house although some local people live there all year long. Burgaz Island is one of the five islands that I did my observation. It is 35 minutes away from Istanbul by boat. Lifestyle in all the islands is very peaceful and calm and disruptive activities are not allowed. For instance, cars are not allowed on all of the islands, and the only way of travel is by foot or on bicycles. People live as one community surrounded by nature. In this essay, I tried to observed specific people but in two different places. how they behave and treat others, first in city settings, and second on Island settings.Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey with a population of over 15 million people. It is the only city in the world that is located on two continents (Asia and Europe). Istanbul is no exception from the other big cities on the globe in that it is really crowded and noisy with people and traffic rushing past each other. On the other hand, Burgaz Island which is the one I did my observation at is very small when compared to Istanbul. There are around 7,000 - 15,000 people living there with the highest number in summer and the lowest in winter when there could be less than 3,000 people. This is why I choose these two settings.In Istanbul, there are class differences between all people and this distinction causes a scenario in which people from the higher class do not listen to people from lower classes. The small people are blamed for the smallest mistakes they make. This is evident from the observation I made at their restaurants.