I have attached PPs with background information on cross-cultural management. I can also send articles if you would like. You are experts in doing business in Bolivia. You were hired by a major MNC (multi-national corporation) that plans to establish an operation in Bolivia. They are planning to send initially 25 employees to establish the new operation. The MNC managers are not familiar with doing business in that country and are very concerned about cross cultural differences. They need you to prepare a country guide, and a training program to help prepare the expats to successfully work in Bolivia. C. Cultural analysis and comparison to the US - Using one or more of the multi dimension framework provide a summary of the differences Hofstede, Trompenaars (some multiple dimension framework) - Analyze where a US manager is most likely to have most of the problems - Calculate cultural distance Based on this part continue to D and make sure you indicate in each subsection the impact of the cultural difference D. CC Management differences and Adjustment Using framework articles and course content describe how a manager will get ready (make changes) to address the following in the foreign country (you can use more) 11: CC Communication (verbal nonverbal) 12: CC Negotiations……......... 13: CC networking…………………………………………………...... 14 Decision making ……………………………………………………………………… 15 Leadership style (GLOBE) 16. Business Ethics 17. Motivation 20. Innovation and risk taking E. Cheat sheet 21. Ten most important things to know for a businessman in doing business.