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Creswell Reading Discussion


Synthesis: Read the two sample papers Creswell attached to chapter 1. One is quantitative research, and the other one is qualitative research. Identify three to four differences between quantitative research and qualitative research after reading these two samples. Please include specific examples from these two sample articles when addressing the differences.     Synthesis & Reflection: In chapter 2 of Creswell, he discussed the difference between a "practical research problem" and a "research-based research problem". What are the differences between these two? Do you think we need both types of problems? Which one do you think may contribute more to informing your own research?     Application: Following the recommendations for defining and writing a statement of the problem from Creswell in chapter 2, write out one to two paragraphs to describe a problem you have observed in your instruction/school/learning community. Please refer to Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.5 (Example of Statement of Problem Section) to construct your statement of the problem. Include two to three citations from research journal articles you have read in this area to support your assertion that this is a problem. List your references at the bottom of this post.     Application: Based on the problem you identified above, write out three to four potential research questions that will help you explore/investigate/understand ways to solve the problem (Refer to Figure 2.1 for the difference between research problem vs. research questions and the "Writing Research Questions" section of the module).
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