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Covid-19 Russia: Sputnik-V Mixed Reaction Response

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Listen to the podcast above 

discusses Russia's COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V. Keeping in mind that the podcast was recorded in March '21, research and discuss what major developments have taken place in Russia since then regarding domestic vaccination campaigns, vaccine export, etc.

Project guidelines

Note that I am not looking for a 3-5-page recap of the issues discussed in the podcast or a detailed description of that specific event or a particular issue. A higher grade will be given to a paper that places this specific issue within broader contexts of Russian culture and society that you learned in this class or that you researched independently on your own. In other words, a successful paper will not only show that you have conducted research of the specific issue from the list below, but will also demonstrate a solid mastery of a range of issues from various parts of this course.

I will evaluate your essays based on the following criteria:

  • Integration of concrete course material
  • Appropriate use of Russia-specific vocabulary / terminology / names we have discussed in class
  • Thoroughness
  • Clarity and coherence



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Covid-19 Russia: Sputnik-V Mixed Reaction Response

Sputnik-V Vaccine is the first vaccine registered as an effective vaccine for COVID-19.  Sputnik-V is based on a study grounded on the Human adenovirus vector platform.  The vaccine has been approved in 71 countries for use. These countries have an estimated population of 4 billion people who can access the vaccine.  The name of the vaccine is a derivative of the first satellite launch, which was reinvigorated space research referred to as Sputnik moment.  The vaccine has an overwhelming efficiency of 97.6 percent (Kier and Paul). The first and second phases were completed in August 2020. The clinical trials were done in UAE, India, Belarus, and Venezuela and proved to be effective for use against C0VID-19. The vaccines have been proven to be safe and efficient and do not have the long-term adversities of adenovirus vaccines; they have been proven in over 250 clinical trials. Unlike its international acceptance, the vaccine has faced some reluctance from home.

It is fascinating that in Sputnik village, the officials announced the services of offering Russia's Sputnik V vaccines at the local clinic and only to get a rollout of 28 people to receive the jab. The 28 people who availed themselves were pensioners. In contrast, abroad, the vaccine has registered a skyrocketing demand since data was published in The Lancet medical journal that the vaccine is effective against Coronavirus by 97.6 percent and up there with the other world best (Berman). The endorsement Lancet can be termed as the breakthrough for the vaccine international. The endorsement further gave a political and scientific success. However, the vaccine has experienced a very low rollout in Russia since people are proving to be reluctant to take the jab. It is interesting how other countries from Latin America and Europe are placing their orders for the vaccine in batches while at home it is piling in clinics with few people to inject. "Sputnik village, which the vaccine is named after and with a population of 1000 people only registered 28 people in the first call for the jab (Berman). One of the leading causes of the snubbing of the vaccine by the Russians is the fact that the vaccine was rushed. Russians lack the trust that the vaccine is effective because the research and trials were done in a very short time, unlike the other leading...


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