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Contrast Essay: Android Phones Versus iPhones

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Contrast Essay: Android Phones Versus iPhones






Contrast Essay: Android Phones Versus iPhones

For the last decade, technology, mainly in the telecommunication industry, has grown significantly leading to the development of sophisticated communication devices. Before, the digital era, it was hard for people to interact because the only means of creating connections with family members and friends was through letters and making voice calls. Nowadays, communication gadgets in the market can allow people to video-call, online streaming, and even play different types of games. This robustness in technology has also led to the innovation of the internet. Currently, the world of contemplating adopting 5G internet technology. Android phones are better than iPhone because they have more variety, are more customizable, and they allow users to multitask.

First, android phones have a wide range of variety with a wide range of specification, offering buyers price flexibility. Users in today’s market want devices that come in different colors, sizes, and range of qualities. Various companies across the world manufacture android phones, but the iPhone is only made by Apple company. Besides, all iPhones made have the same appearance and a few color varieties; this makes iPhone buyers to have limited choices. Furthermore, Android phones have very high qualities for some application, such as camera power. For example, iPhone 11 has a camera power of 12MP, while android Samsung Galaxy Fold has 50MP. The existence of different varieties also makes Android phones cheap. A new iPhone cost about $700, while one can get an android with as low as $150.

Secondly, android phones give users more freedom to customize their operation, choose any games, and install apps that are not supported by the manufacturer. The ability to install different apps in android phones makes it appropriate for users who usually have multiple uses for different widgets. However, for those who use the iPhone, they do not have the freedom to customize the phone due to its inflexible nature. Additionally, the number of application available in the android phones makes it easier for users to access a wide variety of services, but the iPhone models are limited, and one can only get apps from AppStore. This lack of convenience makes iPhone buyer unable to get some services. This advantage extends to the ability of...


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