Write an article on contemporary advertising and its effect Paper must be at least 2750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Used teaser outdoor ads that were designed to communicate with customers and spark their curiosity - for example, through plain billboards with white tag lines carrying messages like “The SUV backlash officially starts now” which prompted hits on the Mini website to discover more about the car(p.6). Guerilla marketing stunts were employed, for example, the small cars were transported through the streets on top of SUVs, or parked in malls to resemble children’s rides. (p 20). Such stunts were effective in promoting word-of-mouth publicity for the car. The advertisements were also unusual and creative, designed to persuade consumers to discover the merits and uniqueness of the mini on their own, by emphasizing its “small stature and outsider mystique” in the advertisements (p.6, 20-23). Additionally, the text of the advertisements, which focused on “motoring” instead of “driving”, served to appeal to environmentally conscious customers to persuade them to purchase the car. (p 22). The advertisements wereAns: The oral communication process originates from the source – the creator of the message, which is then encoded and sent through the use of a channel to the receiver, who must decode the message and understand it (p 9). The last stage of the process is feedback, where the receiver formulates a response, encodes it and sends it through a channel. Such transmission of messages takes place among background noise or the distraction of other messages. In the advertising process, the sponsor working through its advertising agency is the source – the creator of the message, which is the advertisement itself. The channel is the medium through which the advertisement is transmitted and the receiver is the consumer. The Stern model acknowledges that the source, message and receiver may have multiple dimensions, sometimes existing in the real world and sometimes in the virtual world within the text of the message. (p 9). .