Select one of the following four concepts for your paper: trust, hope, suffering, uncertainty. Once you’ve chosen your concept, complete the following: Determine the aim or purpose of your analysis; what do you want to accomplish by conducting this concept analysis? Answer the questions “Why am I doing this?” and “Why is this relevant to nursing knowledge and nursing science?” Conduct your literature review by identifying all uses of the term that you can discover. Answer “What are the known conceptualizations?" Locate and use a minimum of 3 dictionary definitions, 1 thesaurus entry, and 5 scholarly references from the nursing literature (you may use non-nursing literature, if necessary). Combined, these references will be the basis for identifying and defining attributes of your selected concept. Determine the critical or defining attributes of the concept by identifying what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses. The more scholarly references you locate and use, the easier it is to determine critical attributes of a concept. Define the 4 cases using the critical attributes: Construct a model case or a real-life scenario that uses the concept and includes all critical attributes of the concept. Explain how you use each critical attribute. This case should be an accurate representation or model of your concept. Construct a contrary case or one that is opposite of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the contrary case does not contain any of the critical attributes of your concept. Construct a borderline case or one that is related to the concept but is not actually an example of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the borderline case differs from the model and contrary cases (i.e., does not contain all of the critical attributes of your concept, etc.) Construct an invented case or fictitious scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes. Identify related concepts; provide a list of terms that are related to or similar to the concept. Identify an inaccurate use of the concept. Provide an example of how the concept is used in a way that is improper or incorrect. Identify concept antecedents and consequences. This should include a description of (1) concepts or traits that precede (antecedent) the existence of the concept and (2) concepts or traits that follow (consequence) the existence of the concept. An antecedent cannot be one of the attributes, but a consequence may be. The paper should be written in a professional, scholarly manner (i.e., no errors in APA formatting, spelling, or grammar). As a guideline, the body of the paper (excluding title page and reference list) should be about 6 pages in length. Below is a draft I have came up with so far. Abstract Trust is an important and essential concept in nursing. It has a great significance both organizationally and clinically. Trust is very important when working with different people from the healthcare team and it is also essential when establishing the nurse-patient relationship. Trust impacts the nurses’ ability to create meaningful connections with patients and their families, which could greatly enhance patient’s outcomes. As nurses, we care for patients with physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs and in order to provide quality care for these patients we need to establish good, reliable, and trusting relationship. This concept analysis paper will allow me to dive deeper into the meaning of the word trust and how creating a trusting connection with patients and their families can impact patient’s outcomes. Concept analyses allow the identification of defining contributes, which could be utilized to improve patient care in the clinical practice. Definitions and Descriptions In order to understand why creating a trusting relationship with patients is so important and the ways such relationship could impact the patient’s outcomes we first need to know the definition of trust. The word “trust” could be interpreted in many different ways. Merriam-Webster defines trust as “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something” (Trust, 2020). According to Cambridge Dictionary the meaning behind the word trust is “to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable" (Cambridge Dictionary, 2020). Oxford University Press defines trust as a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something” (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020). Synonyms to the word trust includes: confidence, expectation, faith, hope, assurance, certainty, dependence, and reliance (Child, 2020). Critical Attributes Some of the defining attributes of trust are honesty, faith, accountability, dependance, time, and reliance to others. These terms have been used in many definitions of the word trust and are very closely related to it. Trust is embedded within the foundation of the nurse-patient relationship. Honesty is needed to establish trust and this is a two-way street. As nurses, we need our patients’ honesty in order to be able to provide them with the best possible treatment. On the other hand, our patients depend on our honesty as healthcare providers. We need to be honest with patients about medication treatment, diagnoses outcomes, and our interventions. We cannot give our patients false hopes. Faith is also one of the attributes of trust. Trust also includes accountability, dependance, and reliance. Our patients depend and rely on our physical, psychological, and emotional care. As nurses, we need to assure our patient’s that we are there for them. We need to ensure them that we are accountable and they can rely on us. "Time has often been mentioned as a defining attribute of trust" (Dink & Gastmans, 2011, p. 232). As nurses, we need to keep our promises to patients when we promise that we'll be back with them in a ten minutes. Patients rely on us and expect that we keep our promises. Case Example During my clinical rotations I have utilized the concept of trust and its attributes numerous times when providing patient care. I had a patient with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Placement in the ICU. After the surgery the patient was very scared, anxious, and nervous of what was going to happen to him. The patient’s family was not able to stay with the patient at all times because the wife and his kids were working. To ensure that the patient and the family were properly cared for I needed to gain their trust. To do so I made sure that I was properly explaining each intervention. I ensured that I was able to answer each question they had and repeat and rephrase if something was still not clear. I was honest with the patient and the family regarding the time it will take for recovery or the time it will take for the pain medication to start working. I stayed accountable by ensuring that when I tell the patient “I will be back in 10 minutes,” I was back in the patient’s room within the given time frame. I made sure that the patient knew he can rely on me and that I was just a call away. I was trying my best to keep the patient faithful in the healing process, which allowed me to carry out my interventions. I was explaining everything I was doing and the reason for doing it so the patient was aware of the benefits each intervention had. By utilizing the concept of trust and its attributes I was able to establish a trusting nurse-patient relationship, which allowed me to provide quality patient care, allowed to me to make a difference in my patient’s life, and support the patient emotionally and physically. "You need to be able to build a relationship with the member or patient in order to get your job done. It allows for openness with family members who are involved in the member or patient's care" (Singh, 2017). References Bauer, P. (2019, November). Conceptualizing Trust and Trustworthiness. ResearchGate. Birkhäuer, J., Gaab, J., Kossowsky, J., Hasler, S., Krummenacher, P., Werner, C., & Gerger, H. (2017). Trust in the health care professional and health outcome: A meta-analysis. PloS one, 12(2), e0170988. Cambridge Dictionary. (2020, October 14). Trust. Child, L. M. (2020). Synonyms of trust | Www.Thesaurus.Com. Dink, L., & Gastmans, C. (2011). Trust and trustworthiness in nursing: An argument-based literature review. Nursing Inquiry, 19(3), 223–237. Oxford University Press (OUP). (2020). Trust. Lexico. Singh, M. (2017, January 24). Why is Trust Important in Nursing. LinkedIn. The Merriam-Webster.Com Dictionary. (2020, October 14). Trust. Velez, PhD, RN, P., & Nooravi, PsyD, S. (2020). Building Trusting Work Relationships in Healthcare and Beyond. RN Journal.