Question 1: (17 points) – A community comes to you and describes a challenge they are having – many community members do not speak English and there are not a lot of ESL classes. Describe the process by which you would create a program in this community, starting from idea and ending with evaluation of how the program is operating. Use concepts from all five of the deliverables from the syllabus / class. (4-6 pages) Question 2: (8 points) – Pick an existing nonprofit organization that you are (at least somewhat) familiar with and describe (a) their business model, and (b) how their programs reflect (or don’t reflect) their mission and vision. This (and the entire final) will stay confidential. (2-3 pages) Question 3: (5 points) – Provide a self-reflection on how you plan to incorporate the business and management skills you have learned into your professional practice, whether you place to be employed in micro, mezzo, or macro social work. Be specific and use concepts you learned during the semester. (1-2 pages)