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Collaborative Brand in Fashion Marketing

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Assessment 2: 2,800 word Assignment 
Propose a collaboration idea for a brand of your choice, this collaboration will launch only in the UK and should be developed to help strengthen the brand's overall identity.

You should consider the following;

1. Conduct a SWOT on your brand

2. Explore the key competitors of your brand in the UK: Develop a brand positioning map to highlight your brand's current position in the market compared to it's direct competition 

3. Examine the most important PEST (Political, Economic, Social Technical) factors influencing your brand in the UK. Only include factors that are directly affecting your brand. Use evidence to support your inclusions 

4. Explore and propose a new Collaboration for your brand (using competitors own strategies and further research to justify your idea) 

5. Rationale - Explain why the new proposed Collaboration will complement and not damage the overall image of the brand 

6. Justify - Comment on the risks that may be involved in the new Collaboration and show how your brand will overcome these. 

7. Reveal how the brand will launch the Collaboration in the UK market. Use examples to support your idea.

8. Include a conclusion (around 100-200 words)

Make sure that you credit all images (or number them and use a image credit list after the bibliography)

I advise you try to use some images.


You are required to select a collaboration brand of your choice, this means, look for 2 companies that can collaborate and come up with a common brand that will be launched in UK. So, in answering all the above sections, you will be basing the ideas on the NEW BRAND


Management of Information & Research Techniques 30%
-Manage collect and organize data from a range of sources
-Formulation of clear research strategy with evidence of wider reading

Problem Solving & Decision Making 30%
-Evidence of the application of marketing methods and tools to the brand or market sector
-An understanding the complexity of the issues and evidence of creative solution to solve a problem 

Numerical and analytical 10%
-Evidence of basic data analysis

Communication 15%
-Appropriate communication in a business report format
-Presentation of the report
-Clarity, accuracy of grammar and spelling
-Harvard Style of Referencing

Organisation 15%
-A good level of Attendance
-Responsibility of own learning with appropriate support
-Professionalism within the learning environment and participation in activities




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The Date

Collaborative Brand in Fashion Marketing


Collaboration branding (co-branding) refers to the marketing strategy that entails a strategic alliance between two or more independent businesses to promote a particular product or service jointly. It involves different modes of marketing efforts such as advertisements, sponsorships or product promotion. Usually, the association is beneficial to both the brands when working together as opposed to individually. One of the most significant benefits of co-branding initiatives includes the prospect to introduce products to a new target market. This situation is precisely what popular British fashion brands; Alexander McQueen and Burberry plan to do in 2020. Together, the two luxury fashion houses will launch a new collection of low-priced denim products that will be known as Van Dijk, which will target young people. This strategy will allow the two companies to increase their cost savings, perceived value, brand image, customer loyalty, market share, profitability and customer bases.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis reveals how Van Dijk will perform against the competition. The analysis tool enables Alexander McQueen and Burberry to understand where the competitiveness of the brand. A proper examination of the product line should involve its presence in the United Kingdom fashion industry. The analysis suggests the following aspects:


·         Affordability: The products will be of high quality and pocket-friendly. 

·         Accessibility: Both fashion houses have a significant presence in the country. The end user will purchase the brand through various retail and wholesale channels.

·         Hit-the-trend styles: To attract the attention of young people, Van Dijk will offer the trendy global fashions. 

·         Numerous choices: A diffusion line will produce the brand that will provide the end-user with different options of denim-made clothing.


·         Difficult to manage: The product line will involve a significant number of employees, store spaces, and range of products that will create specific management problems. According to Miller and Mills (2012), difficulty in administration negatively impacts the co-branding initiatives due to the high costs of operations.

·          Accessibility: The higher levels of availability will take away the exclusivity and uniqueness associated with Van Dijk.

·         Customer services: Production of numerous products under one brand name makes it difficult to offer better customer services.


·         Brand expansion: The initial target market of the brand is young people; this situation can allow the production line to enter a new customer market and potentially extend to older people.

·         Brand popularity: The use of celebrity endorsement will enable Van Dijk to strengthen its brand image. Fionda and Moore (2009), opines that proper advertisement campaigns increase the expansion and recognition chances of a clothing line.



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