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Cloning Should be the Future in Medicine

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Cloning Should be the Future in Medicine


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                                                          Cloning Should be the Future in Medicine


Cloning is a method of creating offspring by duplicating the genetic material of an existing organism. The host is used to harvest the cell data, which is then implanted into an embryo and allowed to develop normally. A newborn is a direct genetic copy of the parent(s) whose cells were utilized to generate them. Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult somatic cell, was a milestone of the 1990s. The idea of cloning, however, dates before the nineteenth century. Hans Dreisch cloned a sea urchin in 1885, the first animal to be successfully cloned. Weighing the benefits and drawbacks of cloning is essential in determining the practice's scientific worth.

Arguments Supporting Cloning as Future in Medicine

Cloned stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medicine. These differentiated cells can become any body cell. Because of their skill, they have risen to prominence in regenerative medicine (Wesam). Industrial cloning seeks to expand stem cells to generate replacement tissues and organs for patients with various illnesses. When an organ transplant is desperately needed, for whatever reason, cloning might be seen as a lifesaving procedure, especially when a suitable donor organ is not readily available. Using genetic cloning, scientists can grow and harvest brand-new organs from a tiny sample of an organ's original cells. There are a lot of people on organ donor waiting lists, so this is helpful. This would be a straightforward answer to the issue of organ shortage in the event of organ failure. Cloning has the potential to be used in the treatment of diseases and genetic disorders by regenerating healthy cells to replace diseased or dead cells or by repairing cells that are beyond repair.

Possible applications include helping people have babies. In the underdeveloped world, infertility affects between 10 and 15 per cent of couples of reproductive ages (Iqbal, 105). Many pregnancies and births that would not have happened without assisted reproductive technology have occurred. However, some people may not have success with these approaches, perhaps because they lack sperm or egg cells. Only sperm donation, oocyte donation, adoption, surrogate moms, and reproductive cloning are viable alternatives for these people (Blyndaruk). Reproductive cloning is the only option for individuals and couples who want to create a kid with their genetic makeup. Individuals or couples who do not wish to have children the conventional way could employ assisted reproductive cloning (Wesam). Couples or people experiencing infertility may use cloning technology to conceive a child with minimal genetic contribution from a third party.

Therapeutic cloning is another application of cloning science in medicine. Tissues created via cloning could be immunologically indistinguishable from those of the original host (Iqbal, 105). Therapeutic cloning involves inserting the DNA of an adult cell into a developing egg to create healthy stem cells. No offspring will result from this method. Instead, researchers want to discover if they can employ stem cells to grow the organs they need for transplants all on their own (Iqbal, 105). They are also helpful for studying the underlying processes of development and illness.

Cloning allows anyone to conceive a child that is genetically similar to them by using adult somatic cells. Infertile couples could have children through this method, and their progeny might be modified genetically...


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