The paper should have three main sections; an introduction, the body and the synthesis/summary section. Section 1: Introduction should convey the following key point (about 1.5 - 2 pages): • An overview of the topic, presenting a good background • Identify why the topic is important and highly relevant in the context of plant ecology • Identify any knowledge gaps associated with the topic • Cleary state the objectives of the paper (what you want to achieve) • Layout a structure of how the paper will address the objectives Section 2: Body of the paper should contain the following (2-2.5 pages): • A critical review of published literature that addresses all the objectives of the paper • Clearly presenting the student’s original understanding of the selected topic Section 3: Summary and Synthesis (1 – 0.5 page) • Synthesize the information reviewed in section two• Highlight how that addresses each of the objectives • Finish up with a summary statement that reflects the depth of knowledge of the topic