Classical Argument by analyzing an issue that affects a community you belong to. Your analysis of this issue must be global—that is, it must understand all the varying perspectives and opinions that surround it. You should have some knowledge about it and an interest in doing some research in order to find out more about it. Once you’ve completed analyzing the issue, you should form an opinion that aims to solve the problem. -Begin your essay by stating this problem in the form of a good subject-matter question. -The thesis should be an answer to this question and will act as the controlling purpose of the argument essay. - As you write this essay, you should address a specific audience that is skeptical about or disagrees with your point of view about this issue. The essay should be written to change this audience’s mind or perception. - You should address the unstated assumptions about your essay and the counterarguments that materialize as a result of your reasons to help your reader be more sympathetic to your point of view. Your evidence should also make clear but appropriate appeals to your audience’s ethos, logos and/or pathos as you try to convince them of your point of view. • Logos – appeal to reason, logic, the “head”: does the writer’s reasoning ‘add up’? Is the evidence convincing? Is there enough evidence? • Pathos – appeal to beliefs, emotions, feelings, the “heart”: does the writer make the reader feel the impact of the argument? Does s/he use narrative and/or connotative language to achieve this? Does the writer manage to connect with the beliefs and values of the reader? • Ethos – appeal to the credibility of the writer: does the writer present him/herself well as a serious, knowledgeable person who is prepared to consider various sides of an issue? -you should write a clear introduction, a body that not only presents of the reasons and evidence in support of your own views, but also summarizes and responds to opposing views In terms of format: -you should design your essay appropriately for your intended audience. *This means you should be familiar not only with the issue, but how the community affected by this issue talks about it. *The terminology you include should therefore be familiar to the community this issue affects and should also be accurately defined as you introduce it. * You must also clearly indicate your involvement with the community in question. * you should write a clear introduction, a body that not only presents of the reasons and evidence in support of your own views, but also summarizes and responds to opposing views. *A tentative solution should indicate the “so what?” of your argument, where your points should lead. A conclusion that addresses the “larger significance” of your argument should round off your essay. This closed form essay and should be 5-7 pages long You should also create a works cited page, where you will reference no less than 3 sources. You may, if you wish, conduct your own research by interviewing people or distributing questionnaires Format: MLA Length: 5-7 pages, double-spaced, font-size 12