1. Ingroup and bias All of you are college students, so you share an in-group, social category. Discuss your thoughts regarding individuals who chose to not go to college. Can you find instances of linguistic intergroup bias and stereotype consistency bias in your thoughts and examples (show an example of each)? If yes, and based upon your readings in Chapter 3, why do you think this occurred? Make sure to define linguistic intergroup bias and stereotype consistency bias in your own words and show clear examples. As always, respond to at least three peers for full credit. 2. School and life School is tough for many kids and people, not just the academic rigor, but all of the social stuff. Here are a few things to think about in your discussion this week. How can stigma be acquired through association? How may this contribute to bullying in middle and high school? What is stereotype threat? What are some examples of its consequences? 3. Coping with stigma For coping, many of us have had to deal with stigma throughout our lives. Thinking about the lecture and what you read, share some of the following: What are some negative ways of coping with stigmatization? What are some positive strategies? What is mindfulness and how can it help with stigmatization? 4. Ethics sharing For the last few modules, one of the discussion boards is to share something with the class that you found helpful and/or important when it comes to making decisions. So, after the readings, what is one thing you found helpful or important within the process of ethical decision making? Share the idea, provide an example, and state why it was important to you. 5. Are we done yet? For the following short scenario, use the Kitchner model to walk through what you would do. Make sure to address each point of the model. After five months, despite your efforts to remain objective and compassionate, you dread seeing this client. He refers to women, including his girlfriend, as “bitches.” He belches constantly and has an annoying habit of aggressively scratching his forehead every few minutes. He also calls you by your first name, which you have not invited him to do. Your dislike for him is increased after every session despite his improvement in the areas for which he sought counseling. 6. Case Study Read the following case study and provide your argument and position with your evidence on what should be done. Steven is a psychotherapist who works in a group private practice in a small town. The practice has existed for almost twenty years. The group has plenty of word of mouth business and has decided that they do not need to set up a website in order to generate more client traffic. One day, when Steven had some time between appointments, he decided to Google his practice and found several websites that listed the practice, its contact information and counseling services available. These websites also encouraged visitors to “Add a Review,” and much to Steven’s surprise, several former clients had submitted testimonials about the practice, some positive, and others not so positive. Steven recognized the name of one of the reviewers as a client he’d worked with and terminated several months ago. What are the ethical concerns facing Steven here and how would you recommend he proceed.