Please pick a topic form the following list : 3D Stress State (Class 2) Exact Normal Strain using u and v (Class 3) Exact Shear Strain using u and v (Class 3) Dilation (Class 3) Offset method (Class 4) Strain recovered during unloading (Class 4) Maximum In-Plane Stress (Class 7) Instructions 1. Choose a topic for your presentation by placing your name in the cell next to your desired topic in this Google Sheet (Links to an external site.). Each topic may be chosen by up to 3 students. Please note that although multiple students are choosing the same topic, each student is expected to work independently and complete an individual presentation. 2. Record and submit a video presentation using Panopto (Links to an external site.) (not to exceed 10 minutes) as your post to the discussion that covers each of the following: a. Provide two examples of the application of this topic. These should be conceptual examples, not quantitative examples. This is intended to give the viewer some context as to why this topic is important. b. Theoretical background and main concepts related to your selected topic. This should include the formulas, but more importantly, it should explain the concepts in a way that someone who hasn't taken CE 121 can understand. This should not be a repeating of a derivation presented in the class. c. Explain which statics and/or math skills are necessary for solving problems related to this topic. This should help a student understand the importance of mastering the pre-requisite material.3. The slides used in your presentation should follow the assertion-evidence format. If you are unfamiliar with this format, please watch the "Power Point's Defaults are Weak" and "Assertion-Evidence approach is superior" videos on (Links to an external site.). The basic premise of this format is that the title of each slide should be a complete sentence not to exceed two lines of text. This sentence (or assertion) is the main point you want to convey to the audience and the remainder of the slide is evidence supporting that assertion, which may come in the forms such as images, graphs, tables, or equations, but should not include bulleted lists. Further guidance on the method is provided on the website's Tutorial (Links to an external site.) page.4. You will receive your peer review assignments one day following the deadline for the assignment. Once you receive your assignment student presentations, provide meaningful feedback to these two peers regarding how well their presentations met the assignment expectations and constructive criticism for improving their presentations.