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Child Observation and Report


CHILD REPORT 1 (child without disability) Child Observation – Take down detailed notes about what the child did and said throughout (including interactions with others as well as materials); the descriptions must be objectively and concretely described as well as represent a continuous record from the start of the video clip till the end of the video clip for the child indicated. Focus on providing detailed notes about the child’s current and emerging developmental skills in the five areas of developmental domains (motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills, social-emotional skills, and self-help skills). Watch Laura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2YLPN6g2iI You may organize your written notes according the codes identified or paragraphs for each episode of observation. Laura is in the dark top and skirt in the first observational episode.  Start observation at 1:26  Stop observation at 24:53 Type raw notes / running records (single space) – may modify to provide more complete sentences or clearer and objective descriptions. Remember that notes must be detailed, specific, precise, and objective, without assumptions, interpretations, or subjective language. Child Observation Summary  The next five sections/paragraphs should be your Summary (based on your observations). Use language related to the five developmental domains to describe current and emerging skills. o Describe known demographic information as well as objective observed traits: o Summarize current and emerging skills: o Identify interests: o Identify dislikes: o Identify learning needs: Child Observation Reflection (reflect about the child observation and note taking skills) 1. Describe your own thoughts about your skill level in observing child and taking notes 2. What areas need improvement? 3. What steps can you take in bringing about needed improvements in future observations and note taking.For all written assignments you are to use 12-point Times New Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1” margins and single space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf
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