Child Health, Safety & Nutrition Nutrition Assignment Point Value= 75 points Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the importance of a comprehensive nutrition and health education program in a year childhood setting, and how to incorporate it into your curriculum and everyday activities. Course Learning Objective addressed in this assignment: Write appropriate early childhood curriculum on the topics of health, safety, and nutrition appropriate for families and all children Guidelines: Complete the weekly reading: Robertson, Cathie. “Safety, Nutrition, & Health in Early Education.” Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Pp 262 to 276 (Nutrition Strand) from the CDE (2011). California Preschool Curriculum Framework, (Vol. 2). Retrieved on July 5, 2015 from Review pp 46-57 (Health Development Foundations) of the California Department of Education (2010). California Preschool Learning Foundations, Vol 2. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education. Retrieved on November 5, 2014 from Review pp 83-84 (Performance Area 3: Nutrition) of the CDE & First 5 CA (2012). California Early Childhood Educator Competencies. Retrieved on November 5, 2014 from Book Review. A brief review of a children’s picture book being sure to answer the following questions. What age is the book appropriate for? What nutritional aspect is the book teaching? Why you chose this particular book. Lesson Plan. Create a lesson plan in the following format: Overview of the Activity – brief description of the activity or activities Objectives (what the children will learn) – State simply what the children will learn in this activity, (relate to the Foundations.) Foundations - List at least one Nutrition Development Foundations you are planning to address in the activity. List the domain, strand, sub-strand and foundation. (Hint – it is EASIEST to come up with the activity first, and then look up the foundations and add them later.) Here is the format you should use when listing the Foundations: Example Domain Health Strand Nutrition Substrand 1.0 Nutritional Knowledge Foundation 1.1 (At around 48 months) Identify different kinds of foods. Materials Needed – a list of all materials needed to do the activity, (and where to obtain them if they are unusual.) Procedures - A written plan in recipe (step by step) form of how to do the activity. A step-by-step description of how to prepare for and execute all the procedures which are part of your activity, including preparation beforehand, how to interact with the children and families during the activity, and any instructions for ending the activity. Write the steps in a numbered format. Parent Involvement – Give one or two suggestions on how you would involve families in this activity, in planning this activity or how you would extend this experience to the home Reflection – Though you are not required to actually implement this activity, you can still reflect on the process of developing it and thinking about implementation. Pictorial recipe cards: You will create a recipe cards with words and pictures to help young children “read” the recipe.