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Chief Marketing Officer


MKT 250, PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Final (Checkpoint) Project Assignment  You are a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) recently hired to develop a new product line or brand extension for a company’s product/brand (Note: students choose the company and brand/product). Based on the company’s mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.  This is an individual project. The organization you choose needs to be a publicly-traded company, thus allowing you to gain access to its financial data and market performance. It cannot be a privately-owned company, nor a start-up. The new product or brand should relate to the company’s mission and target market(s), or to a lucrative new market segment. The decision is yours!  The assignment includes many of the areas that are covered in the course, discussed and learned from the text and class discussions. This project will demonstrate the understanding and the applications of the course learning outcomes. Therefore, the content should be based on the latest marketing methods and tools available, as well as based on the iBook, which should be used as a reference for the project.  This project must have a cover page (with the title you have given it, your name, course number and section, and semester and year of the course). On the second page you will provide a Table of Contents. On page 3, you may begin with the Introduction heading and only use the required headings for the assignment. Students will be writing a formal business memo/white paper. The memo/white paper will consist of 5-7 content pages (+ cover and appendix). The memo should highlight and recap the important parts of the formal presentation. The memo/white paper should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced, with 1” margins all around. Please submit your final document as a PDF in Canvas. Direct quotes must be appropriately cited. Bullet-points are allowed, but should comprise a small portion of the entire document. The document must be written in narrative, 3rd-Person format, free of colloquial (casual) lingo.  Tables and figures are likely to be useful for this assignment. These should be placed in the Appendix (with a title for each one) and discussed in the appropriate section. When these are discussed, reference them in the text or body of your report, e.g., See the Appendix Table (title/name). The VP for Marketing needs to know all of the facts and findings that is explained clearly and extremely well (as if the VP does not know anything about your findings). Your statements and findings must not only be clearly stated and logical but also supported by your research (with cited sources of information). Furthermore, all facts (other than common knowledge) must be cited in the text or body of the report and the informational source listed in the References section using APA style guidelines.
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