Respond to the following discussion post questions. Use your textbook as your main reference. If you are using other sources, be sure to cite them. Respond to at least one student's post. DISCUSSION 1: Table 4.2 in chapter 4 lists all the strong acids and bases. Think of common household substances (food, drink, cleaning supplies etc.) that we use at home that are either acidic or basic. List at least 5 and identify the type of acids or bases present in them. Would you categorize each of the item you listed as weak or strong acids or bases? DISCUSSION 2: Antacids are sometimes recommended to take to relieve heartburn, indigestion (due to excess acid); Which acid is present in our stomach? Would you categorize it as a strong or weak acid? What type of chemical reaction take place to help remove the excess acid in the stomach whenever antacids are used? Write the NET ionic equation of the reaction between an antacid and stomach acid. (Table 4.4 lists the common antacids). DISCUSSION 3: Distinguish between strong and weak electrolytes in terms of the arrows in the reaction: which one do we use single arrow in one direction for and which one do we use half-arrows (double-arrows) in both directions for? Explain your reason(s) in details using relevant chemical equations as examples. DISCUSSION 4: a. Discuss the main product in precipitation reactions. b. Why do we need to write net reactions in the reactions described in chapter 4 (Precipitation, Oxidation-reduction, Neutralization reactions) after writing the molecular and complete ionic reactions? Use chemical equations as examples. DISCUSSION 5: Discuss two applications of Oxidation-Reduction (REDOX) reaction in real life. Use relevant chemical equations/reactions to support the applications.