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Chapters 11/12 Acuna Occupied America

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The following assignment is due on Thursday March 10th at noon.  Please address the following two chapters and cover the the points in each in four paragraphs total.

Chapter 11 Main Point:

Describe the impact of the growth of second generation on the Mexican struggle for political and socioeconomic rights.

Chapter 12 Main Points:

Analyze the relationship between education and political empowerment for Mexican Americans and other people of color in the           1950's.

Utilize the video below and some of the concepts within your writing.  While we used the video in a prior assignment, determine whether some of the thoughts and observations from the video parallel the readings.  https://youtu.be/yaWrFCHbRt8 

only use references from ''Acuna Occupied America'' and ''youtube video'' !!!!


Chapters 11/12 Acuna Occupied America


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Chapter 11

Second-generation Mexicans are born in the United States and second parents from Mexico. The third generation is of Mexican origin, but all the parents were born in the united states. The third and the second-generation Mexican population in the United States have a different fairer treatment than their first-generation counterparts. The whites claimed cultural legitimacy and property rights (Acuna, 2019).

 The Immigration and the Nationality Act of 1965 eliminated the immigration wave from Africa, Asians, and the Americas. The most important feature of the immigration and nationality Act acknowledged the integration of economic and social mobility on Mexican children. Overly, the Mexican immigrants; the second generation life was improved but not significant compared to the lives of their whites' counterparts. There exists a gap in economic perspectives, but the disparity is significantly reduced compared to the times before WWII and the first-generation Mexicans. The second-generation Mexicans are able to enjoy a higher, even more, decent education system, which is consequently resulting in more well-paying jobs, unlike it was half a century ago. Today it is important to note that the school dropout among the Mexicans equally get job opportunities at nearly the same rate the whites dropout get; however, these jobs still do not offer the best wages for these people; they have few benefits and do offer less upward job mobility. The social, political, and economic gap between the whites and the Mexicans is still prevalent, and the achievements of children of these two different things are evident in the school enrollment patterns.

Chapter 12

Before the 1950s, the Mexicans and other people of color in the united states were subjected to segregation and depression. The people of color and the Latinos attended different schools and lived in different residential divides. The Mexicans, on their immigration to the united states, were subjected to the quota system. The Mexicans in the united states further faced discrimination and racially-based violence. The political heavyweights in the Mexican communities seeking fair representation of the Mexicans were met with opposition and persecution...


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