Communication Resources and Tools Often Used for Outbreak Responses Internet site. The response effort might need an Internet site to convey relevant and rapidly changing information about the outbreak. The site should be the main repository of scientific facts, data, and resources. All other communications should be based on the content of that site. Key information for the site might include the following: Data or case counts; Maps of the affected area; Guidance for affected populations, the public, travelers to or from the region, and healthcare providers who are caring for the affected persons; A section highlighting the newest information; and A multimedia section for the media and the general public. Call center. The response effort might benefit from having a call center equipped to answer inquiries from the affected population, the worried well, and healthcare providers seeking information. Guidance is available for entities that are establishing a call center during an outbreak response. Social media messages. Create social media messages from Internet site content. Communications staff should monitor social media regularly to identify and dispel myths and misperceptions. Clinician outreach resources. The response might require substantial communications with healthcare providers. Webinars, conference calls with partner organizations, videos for online clinical communities, or other forums might be considered to allow healthcare providers to access up-to-date information, ask questions, and obtain advice from other clinicians associated with the response. Digital press kit for the news media. A digital press kit with photos, videos, quotations from spokespersons, the latest data or information (e.g., graphics, charts, or maps), and information about how to obtain an interview is always helpful for reporters during an outbreak investigation. Tailor communication resources. The response might require translation for specific audiences, and communication materials might need to be tailored for reaching affected populations. Some responses use photo novellas, simple line art, text messaging, or community events to convey important information for specific audiences. What to Include When Developing Outbreak-Related Messages Expression of empathy. What’s known and a call for action, including Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? What’s known and what’s not known, and how answers will be obtained for what’s not yet known Explanations of what public health actions are being taken and why. A statement of commitment. When additional information will be provided. Where to find more information in the meantime.