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Career in Nutrition


Research a career in nutrition and/or dietetics.  You can summarize the general requirements to become a Registered Dietitian or a specific area of specialty such as Sports Dietitian, Clinical in-patient or out-patient etc.  www.eatright.org is a good place to start.  This website is for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the professional organization for Registered Dietitians. Please note a online nutrition certificate does not prepare anyone for a career in nutrition.  Make sure you look at careers that require a person to be a Registered Dietitian or hold a bachelor's degree in nutrition.The paper should be 2-3 pages written in APA format.  Make sure you site your sources properly.State why you are covering this particular area of the topicList the facts and education requirementsConclude with what you learned and how this information could help you in your future career. (I realize many of you are not planning on becoming an RD; therefore, make a connection between RDs and the career you desire.)
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