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Career Assessment Interview (Holland Theory)


select a volunteer client to perform a career assessment of their choosing. (The assessment needs to be a valid and reliable assessment; preferably one that we have discussed/explored through readings in this class). Students will then process with their volunteer the results of the career assessment. Summary will include: •    -  Background, family, socio-economic status factors, ethnicity/religious factors •    -  Present life situation •    -  Educational/Training •    -  Work history •    -  Career goals •    -  *Client’s Assessment(s) Results and summary of your processing those results with your client. •    -  select two specific career theories from the course within the categories of Trait Oriented Theories, Social Learning and Cognitive Theories, Developmental theories, and Person-in-Environment Theories and apply it to your volunteers’ career development. Some Theories we have utilized so far in class Trait & Factor Theory (3-step process) Parsons – Include Parsons if you choose this theory as well •    knowledge of self, •    knowledge of WOW, •    Integration of self/WOW to find a “person/work fit” Occupations: Information and Theory: •    Information & predictions of the labor market •    Sociological & Economic Approaches •    Effect of Work Environment on Individual •    Status Attainment Theory (role of achievement and social status in influencing occupational selection) •    Human Capital Theory (individuals invest in education & training to effect increased lifetime earnings (assumes there is equal opportunity to compete) •    Gender & Discrimination •    Culturally Diverse Individuals and Discrimination in the Workplace Work Adjustment Theory: (Specific form of Trait & Factor) Focus on Satisfaction and Satisfactoriness •    Assess abilities, values, personality and interests •    Measure requirements and conditions of occupations •    Matching abilities, values and reinforcers Holland Theory of Types Please use this one and whatever other bold one you want –Thank you •    6 personality and environmental types determined through an interest inventory. Both worker and employer will be more satisfied if personality and environmental types are congruent. •    Hexagon •    Explanatory Constructs Myres Briggs Typology: Psychological Theory based on Carl Jung/adapted by Katharine Briggs Provides information about how one’s personality (perception and judgement in decision making and work adjustment) as it relates to career development. Seen through the lens of Trait/Factor Theory •    Extraversion vs Introversion •    Sensing vs Intuition •    Thinking vs Feeling •    Judgment vs Perception Development Theory: Career Develops across the lifespan. Specific Focus on Self-Concept Super’s Model of Career Development o Curiosity, Exploration, Information, Key Figures, Internal vs. External Control, Development of Interests, Time Perspective, Self-Concept & Planfulness Gottfredson’s Theory of Self-Creation, Circumscription & Compromise o Cognitive Growth, Self-Creation, Circumscription, Compromise •    -  Students will demonstrate theoretical understanding of career development in both Processing the results of the assessment with their client and in applying theory to their volunteer’s career development. *A minimum of one interests, values, or personality assessment must be completed and processed with your volunteer client. Students may utilize more than one assessment; however only one is required. •    Constructed a Career Assessment Interview paper using suggested format --The paper has five or less grammatical (verb tense, spelling, sentence structure, clarity, organization etc.) errors or mechanical errors (punctuation, capitalization, etc.) •    Results from the career assessment testing are thoroughly understood, and clearly and comprehensively applied and integrated into the paper •    Two career theories covered in the course are used to clearly and comprehensively explain their volunteer client’s career development https://adams9-1.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1481277-dt-content-rid-21693766_1/xid-21693766_1 https://adams9-1.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1481277-dt-content-rid-21693768_1/xid-21693768_1 https://adams9-1.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1481277-dt-content-rid-19643996_1/xid-19643996_1 •    Brief interview on clients background, career goals and overall career development •    Valued and reliable assessment (Holland Theory) •    Does the assessment go with the theory •    Comprise about a quarter to a third of the paper regarding the clients career goals. •    Focus on the process of the clients results •    Apply one or more career theories to their overall career development this far theories •    When representing Holland include theory, address the theorist behind the assessment •    Two theories •    When referencing always connect theorist or client •    Add some “live” time interview details  •    O*Net: The website for O*Net is https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip . Another very useful tool is the O*Net Interests Profiler (It will give you a shortened version of the SII and give you’re a RAISEC score and then give you a job zone(s) to consider for an occupational match based on your RAISEC score.  <- use this for results of Holland results from client.
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