CVT Paper-CARDIOMYOPATHY The purpose of this paper is to understand further and gain knowledge about different topics of cardiovascular diseases. Each student is encouraged to research and write about a topic that they find interesting and informative. Write a Research Paper about 10-15 pages long, Double-spaced, 12 size formal font. The topic is about Cardiovascular Disease(s). Follow the instructions carefully and in order. 1. Page One Student Name- Jon Hoag Class Name- CVT 110 Class Course Number- CR-79730 Semester and Year- Fall 2020 Instructor’s Name -Cherrycil Daguman Tagorda 2. Page TwoØ In ONE paragraph (about 5 sentences)- Tell me why you wrote or you find this topic interesting. 3. Include graph, images and information that you find interesting and helpful when researching the topic. 4. References, cites, sources must be included. This part will be on the last page of your research paper