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carbohydrates in the American diet


Watch for Discussion: Read for Discussion: The meat we eat is a pandemic risk, too: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/4/22/21228158/coronavirus-pandemic-risk-factory-farming-meat  (Links to an external site.) Discussion Questions: These are extraordinary times with the COVID-19 virus affecting the lives of so many people around the globe. In this video, Dr. Mark Hyman gives us an overview of the health of the American public and how our choices each day can affect our health.  This week we also looked at protein and reviewed its place in our dietary pattern. Last week we looked at the role of sugars/refined carbohydrates in the American diet. So how does an individual's diet and their level and type of protein consumption play a role in this pandemic and our nutrition status in general?  Discuss the facts shown and how they relate to what you understand thus far about the health status of many Americans. Add at least one citation to support your comments. Peer Response: after you done with the discussion I will send you one of my friend respond  Review your peers' discussion comments. Choose at least one post and develop a response to that post. In your response, consider the following and address these points: 1) Did their comments concur with or differ from your own? 2) How did their comments enhance your understanding of this discussion topic? 3) From what you gained from these studies, what can you contribute to add to your peers' understanding of the topic? Add additional citations, if necessary, to back up your comments.
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