1.There are a number of handouts available in this section. The purpose of these handouts is to provide you with instructions for writing the two required case studies, and to answer questions you might have about writing the case studies. 2.Read the two case studies. This will give you a sense of the issues about which you will be writing. You MUST write your case study analyses about the two cases provided. 3. Look at the template for writing the case studies. You must follow that template in writing your case study (that includes using the table format). When writing the case study, do not include the instructions, just include your answers based on those instructions. 4. Look at the instructions for writing the case studies. These are intended to provide you guidance in crafting your answers. 5. Read the handout entitled "The Kantian Analyses in the Case Studies". Typically, students have the greatest difficulty in understanding and then applying the relevant Kantian concepts to the case studies. This handout is intended to explain the concepts, provide examples of how to apply the concepts, and suggest language that you can incorporate in your case studies. 6. Read the sample case study and the sample case study analysis. This will give you an example of how to write your own case study. 7. If there is something that you do not understand, or about which you are confused or uncertain, ask questions. Send me an e-mail, or post your questions on the Discussion Board forum devoted to questions about the case studies. It is a good strategy to be as clear as possible about what is expected before you begin writing your case study.