In this unit we will discuss the differences between spirituality and religion and how we can apply them to our everyday lives within our comfort level without judgement. In addition, we will analyze what work-life balance looks like and how we can find purpose in our jobs while leaving room for health, family, and hobbies. CSLOs: • CSLO 1: Identify and describe inner resources to strengthen mind-body connections • CSLO 2: Compare and contrast unhealthy lifestyle practices based on sound, evidence-based principles of a holistic wellness model. • CSLO 3: Define and describe health challenges to the mind-body-spirit and holistic methods to prevent and manage these challenges. Unit 4: Readings Book 9781284105483 Invitation to Holistic Health Attached Files: Planetary Health.pdf (412.642 KB) Chapters 9: “The Spiritual Connection” Chapter 10: “Balancing Work and Life” “Planetary health: From the wellspring of holistic medicine to personal and public health imperative” (attached) Unit 4: Resources Attached Files: Examples of Holistic Good Practices...Mental Health and the Workplace.pdf (313.908 KB) HED3200 Ch 9 10 ONLINE.pptx (1.48 MB) Spiritual Connection and Work Life Balance PowerPoint (attached) “Examples of holistic good practices in promoting and protecting mental health in the workplace: Current and future challenges” (attached) Unit 4 DQ: Unit 4 DQ: Evaluating the Role of Spirituality, Faith, and Mindfulness (Graded) What role does spirituality and/or faith play in your life? How can you incorporate mindfulness techniques into your day? Required 4 responses including references. I am Roman Catholic. Unit 4 CA: Self-Care and Mindfulness in Every Day Life Journal In review of this week’s content and your own experience, what does self-care and mindfulness mean to you? In your journal, identify 5 - 7 ways you currently/will incorporate self-care as well as mindfulness into your life. In addition, address how you work life could benefit from spiritual and mindful practices. Journal Requirements: 1) 1.5 - 2 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 2) Use of textbook, PowerPoints, Course resources 3) No additional research necessary - use your knowledge, experience, and resources. 4) Must submit on-time; no late submissions will be accepted.